We didn’t actually play last weekend, because two of us were out sick. Let’s pick up again next year!
Remus and Teran: Please go to either Demiplane or Pathbuilder and transfer your character over to the new version of your character sheet. The new versions use the remastered rules, which we will be using. With Demiplane, you have to manually transfer everything (in other words, you have to re-create your character). With Pathbuilder, there’s a tool for transferring, but not everything will get transferred over, apparently. But at least it will get you started.
If y’all have any trouble, we could get together over some Scotch and figure it out.
Also, for everyone: You can use this opportunity to create a different character, with a different character class, if you want. You’ll still have the same XP as everyone else. Text me if you have any questions!
Here’s the poll. Please respond as soon as you can. Thanks!